Universal Sports or someone removed the Stroke Kings preview on youtube due to "copyright reasons." It never ceases to amaze me that Networks want viewers yet don't allow fans the ability to promote and spread the news.
This is free advertising guys.
He needs to be very careful what he says about MFP, he is going to get some major flack if its not respectful. I think he has the utmost respect for MFP but is sick of losing to him.. I don’t think that’s wrong.
What do you mean by "not respectful"? Are you saying Ryan owes MP some special kind of deference because of past accomplishments?
It's not wrong for Ryan to want to win. They are competitors. I'm sure MP would be saying the same things if he was in Ryan's place. I haven't heard anything that's not "respectful," although I'm not sure what you mean.
I think it's more disrespectful (to Ryan) for him to keep his mouth shut and make it seem like he's okay with losing to him race after race... and quietly plug along and train without anything. I think it's perfectly fine to state his intention to want to be the best athlete he can be. It's no secret that Phelps beat him for so long... and if Phelps doesn't have the same intense drive that he used to, Ryan shouldn't be penalized for still wanting it, vocalizing it, and end up *gasp* maybe beating him in the process. In any other sport, people always vocalize wanting to be the best even if their opponent is their friend. At the end of the day when you get up to the blocks, that friendship takes the back burner no matter who you are. Not one athlete I can think of ever stated "Hey, I'm going to not go as hard because I want XYZ to win because they're my friend". Just because Phelps did what he did, that is no grounds for anyone to sit back and think that they would never be as good. Everyone respects the hell out of Phelps for what he did, but that doesn't mean no one else can in the future. At the end of the day, if the role was reversed I guarantee you any other person in Ryan's shoes would have said the same thing... which wasn't even anything REMOTELY threatening.
I still don't get what the first anonymous meant by saying something that isn't respectful. Like what?
I think what Ryan was saying is that MP doesn't want 8 gold medals....he doesn't want to put together a "Beijing" program and train at that level. Turns out Ryan is right..MP stated on Thursday he wasn't going to.
Ryan needs to not over-train, stay injury free and not brush his teeth with the water in Shanghai. Let's all regroup after Worlds.p
I think he was saying was that some people might think MP is "over" swimming. What I mean by that is, he did what he wanted to do in Beijing. Got his 8 Golds, and now he's just tying up the loose ends so to speak. He still is training, he still wants to win his core races, but that drive that he had pre-2008 isn't there. Ryan is stating that his tried and true swimming life essentially started in 2008- when he saw the potential he had in himself, and missed out. His "failures" or "disappointments" in Beijing were solely not from just drinking the water... there were a ton of factors. Yes, that was one, but you can't just base it on that. Just like 2004 wasn't Michael's time... 2008 wasn't Ryan's time. He didn't know at 11 or 12 (or however old Phelps was when Bowman told him he was going to be a huge success) that he was going to be this good. He saw the potential in himself after 2008, and started pushing up his program. If anyone thinks that Ryan should back-down and try not to upstage Michael and what he did is being completely ignorant and a fool. Not to mention it's totally disrespectful... just for starters. I hate (yes, hate) when people come out and justify why someone isn't allowed or can't do something just based on what someone else accomplished.
I'm not directing that at anything someone has commented- just going off lots of things I've read lately in articles, etc.
/end rant
I didn't say it was the only factor. It was one factor. He's heading back to China so I hope he doesn't "forget" again. LOL He has said in interviews he and Coach Troy focused on "beating Michael Phelps" leading up to '08 and it was the wrong mind-set and approach. I agree, there were many factors and it just wasn't his time. He has said he's "putting all his marbles in a basket" for 2012. I think that entails a lot of different things for Ryan both physically and mentally.
If someone can explain to me why it is sacrilege to even IMPLY you want to beat Michael Phelps, much less actually DO it. Isn't this a sport? Aren't these athletes? I don't get it. You say you want to beat Kobe or say you hate the Bears and everyone nods and says, "uh-huh." I didn't know this was a dictatorship. Ironically, it seems Michael has the most affection and respect for the guy that has publicly come out and said he wants to beat him and has actually come out and done it. Maybe everyone should follow his lead.
I'm sorry. I really didn't intend to sound like I was solely attacking something you had said. I've just been reading a lot of articles and other commentary lately and that was just my take on all of that, not what you had personally stated (I was just using it as one example). I should have reworded what I said or have said that beforehand. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and is certainly welcome to say whatever they like.
I completely agree with the second part of your statement, though. That's what's been boggling my mind the most, too. I don't know why this is such a "different situation" as everyone seems to make it out to be.
I'm sad that the preview got taken down. Why Universal Sports???
No worries, Anon! We agree here on everything! It's hard to get all the nuances of communication in writing sometimes.
Seems that Ryan' been reading the same things we have and usually that just really fires him up more. Again, I say we all meet here after Worlds and celebrate over virtual beers because Ryan's ready. It seems taper has already started!
The first Anon Said: "He needs to be very careful what he says about MFP, he is going to get some major flack if its not respectful. I think he has the utmost respect for MFP but is sick of losing to him.. I don’t think that’s wrong."
She NEVER SAID HE WASN'T BEING RESPECTFUL! She SAID he needs to be careful he doesn't take over into not being respectful because he "is going to get some major flack if its not respectful." Anon just wants Ryan to be careful. He's said things off the top of his head before without thinking, and he needs to be careful with what he says. That was all!
Jeeze why don't we all jump down someone's throat!
I agree with Anon 100%. Sometimes we have to picture ourselves in someone elses position....in this case, Ryan's. I can only imagine how frustrating it must be to repeatedly be beat by MP.
I truly do not understand the point the first comment and last two comments are trying to make. Ryan can say what he wants. I don't understand why he needs to be careful or censor himself. He isn't going to get any flack here for saying what he wants. It's refreshing.
Does anyone know if Stroke Kings is actually going to happen or not? Was really looking forward to it. :-(
WIll Someone PLEASE Tell Me What The Second Song Played In This Video Is Called.? Im Dying To Know.
To Rewatch The Video Of Ryan Lochte And Ed Moses In Stoke Kings---> https://vimeo.com/35769404
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