Friday, July 3, 2009

Professional Swimming League!!!!!

I think a professional swimming league would be very exciting and popular. Several established swimming writers and bloggers have recently endorsed the concept of a professional swimming league, and I love all of their ideas. Here's hoping it comes to fruition.

Given that the suit manufacturers are the most likely sponsors, it could be the one good thing that emerges from the suit wars.

Here is an article from Swimming World Magazine and two blogs that discuss how a professional swimming league would work: (Brent Rutemiller is the Publisher & CEO of Swimming World Magazine!)

This is something that needs to happen while Michael Phelps is still swimming. While there are a number of great personalities and talented swimmers in the world, his participation is absolutely crucial to get the necessary sponsorship and to attract fans. Once fans take notice, they will find many other swimmers to love in addition to Michael.

I am so excited that people with loud voices in swimming world are talking about it. I don't really care how the league is formatted, or if there are non-Olympic/FINA races, or how the teams are organized. More exposure for the swimmers and swimming would be a plus for swimming fans and a plus for post-collegiate swimmers.

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