Monday, May 11, 2009

Ryosuke Irie was not wearing Arena X-Glide leggings when he broke the WR in the 200m back

According to, Irie was wearing "an entirely new, collaboration suit, developed by Arena, Japan and Descente.."

Like the X-Glide, this suit is awaiting approval by FINA. A decision is expected at the end of May.

I could not find a picture of the suit (which is actually leggings) but the video posted below shows it.

It's hard for me to imagine that leggings would really help someone swim faster, particularly because the leggings do not support the core. I don't really understand how the suits help so it's a difficult issue for me tackle.

1 comment:

bea said...

The suit helps because it makes you more buoyant---like a kayak---so the more material, the more it helps you float so all your energy goes towards moving forward, not just staying up in the water.