100 Breast - Event 4 (Friday)
Ryan is seeded 11th with a time of 1:02.39.
400 IM - Event 8 (Friday)
Ryan is seeded 1st with a time of 4:06.08. Ryan's main competition in this event is Robert Margalis and Ryan's UF training partners Bradley Ally and Clark Burckle.
100 Fly - Event 14 (Saturday)
Ryan is seeded 8th with a time of 52.86.
200 Back - Event 18 (Saturday)
Ryan is seeded 1st with a time of 1:53.94. Other swimmers entered in this event are Hayden Stoeckel and Ashley Delaney of Australia. I'm really looking forward to seeing where Ryan is at in his best event. Hope he swims it and doesn't scratch.
50 Free - Event 20 (Saturday)
Ryan is seeded 37th with a time of 23.51. It's interesting that Ryan's fastest 50m underwater time (on his back!) is about a second faster.
100 Free - Event 26 (Sunday)
Ryan is seeded 6th with a time of 48.65. This event should be an indicator of whether Ryan is fast enough to make the 4 x 100 free relay. Other U.S. swimmers in this event are Michael Phelps, Matt Grevers and Nathan Adrian. It would be nice if Ryan could finish in the top 3.
200 IM - Event 28 (Sunday)
Ryan is seeded 1st with a time of 1:55.22. Ryan's main competition in this event is Alley, his training partner at UF. He should win easily.
100 Back - Event 30 (Sunday)
Ryan is seeded 5th with a time of 53.37. Lots of big names in this event: Phelps, Grevers, Ben Hesen, Peter Marshall, Stoeckel and Delaney. This is probably the premier event of the whole meet.
The sheer number of events Ryan has entered, and his high ranking in most of them, demonstrates not only his versatility but also that he is committed to swimming a large event schedule at U.S. Nationals.
The psych sheet can be found here:
(Not sure why my post didn’t' appear yesterday, so I'll try it again?)
Anyway, I'm so excited and can't wait to watch the meet… I definitely know what I will be doing all weekend!... Really funny thing is, "I don't even like sports!"…. Seriously, I can follow a tennis match, but swimming has become totally fascinating to me after watching the Olympics last summer… I mean winning or losing by 1/100th of a second?!?!... That's just amazing!
It's going to be really interesting to see if Ryan moves it up a notch and wears a hi tech swimsuit this time… Also, hopefully we will get some insight from the commentary as to where he is in his training and how he should be physically at this point with the Nationals so close… He really is all over the place in his events so I can't wait to find out what his choices are for the Nationals… Has anybody heard if there will be any coverage on television or the internet for the Nationals?... I don't see anything on Universal Sports or Swim Network listed and it would be such a shame not to cover a meet that important for those of us who cannot be there in person.
Also, has anybody figured out what the Speedo "Flying Fish" suit is yet?... I'm hoping it's the latest and greatest from Speedo after the LZR and they pull it out of their bag of tricks for the Worlds!
PS… Hope with your new move that you will now be able to watch Universal Sports on television!
I'm glad you reposted your comment LzzyBee1! Santa Clara is going to be so much fun to watch. I wish Aaron Peirsol and Nick Thoman had entered so the backstroke races would be even more epic, but they will be exciting enough with the guys from Australia competing.
The U.S. Nationals will be televised by NBC. I don't know how the coverage will work or how many events will be aired, but it's great that swimming will be on network tv. Hopefully Universal Sports will have the prelims and any races not covered by NBC.
My new home seems to have a faster internet connection so I'm hoping Universal Sports will not buffer constantly like it did during the Ultraswim.
I hope Ryan does well this weekend. I'm taking it as a good sign that he's not referring to Santa Clara as the "damned swim meet" on twitter like he did for Ultraswim.
I just got the following response from USA Swimming regarding media coverage for the Nationals next month...
"Yes, to my knowledge the entire meet will be webcast by USA Swimming. Also, Tuesday and Wednesday finals are live on Universal Sports Network. Then there are two hours of NBC broadcast on Saturday from 2 - 4 Eastern and 1 hour on Sunday (uncertain of time). I hope that helps. I'll try to get someone from USA Swimming to post this somewhere."
Thanks so much for the info. I wish more of the meet would be shown on NBC, but I'm grateful for 3 hours (even though 2.75 of the 3 hours will likely be devoted to Michael Phelps only).
Hopefully NBC is large enough not to have to answer to Subway like Universal Sports did in Charlotte... Michael is great but we want more of Ryan and the others... Hoping Ryan will do really well and give them something more to focus on!!!
I also agree with you that he does sound a bit more "up" for Santa Clara than the UltraSwim... Hopefully he is more rested this time.
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